
Our first harvest 〜初めての収穫〜

At the end of August in 2015, our Jersey cow Happy was about to have a baby. This was about the time when we started to communicate without words.


On September 3rd, Happy gave birth and it was an adorable a half Jersey and a half Angus calf. We said "Excuse us" and checked between its legs. It was a boy.


In the middle of September, our Syrah grapes got ripened. After the lab check, Brix and other numbers came back and showed that the grapes should be harvested. We usually harvest red wine grapes in October, so this particular year was very early.


Our grapes are always hand-harvested, not machine-harvested. That has never changed since 2015. 


It was very exciting seeing the bins (big containers) full of grapes. We cannot remember how many people in the harvesting crew we had that year, but we remember that we tried to finish within a few hours. Otherwise Brix and other numbers would change.


Without lunch, we worked hard. We were much slower than other crew members, but we definitely wanted to try harvesting ourselves.


It could be slow because I played a little bit (haha!). But we had an amazing first harvesting time for sure. 


Have a spectacular day!

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ


Gold! A Symbol of the Central Coast 〜ゴールド!セントラルコーストのシンボル〜


Central Coast Wine Competition brought us the happy news! 


Golden Blend 2021 received a Gold Medal (the second Gold Medal after OC Fair Commercial Wine Competition), Viognier 2021 received a Gold Medal for artwork as A Symbol of the Central Coast; Picpoul Blanc 2021 & Grenache Rosé also received Silver Medals.


This vineyard label with our three beloved dogs was pencil-designed by a local artist in early 2016, and it shows our passion and love when we first started as a winery. We are very happy this is recognized as A Symbol of the Central Coast. Kahlua, Kona and Ehime at the Rainbow Bridge are still working hard to make us happy.


Have a delightful day!

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ


Summer time in the vineyard 〜ぶどう園の夏〜


Early July in 2015, the grapes were becoming big. They seemed to be growing well. These are Syrah grapes.


Around this time, we worked hard to find clients who would purchase our grapes in fall. We made letters to send out to local wineries, put stamps on the envelops and mailed them. This seemed to be working better instead of sending out e-mail. We were able to meet one amazing local winery owner.


As a grape grower, we replanted some vines, too. It was very exciting seeing the new vines growing that we planted.


At the end of July to early August, the grapes started changing their color. It's called 'veraison'. We were just very happy seeing everything happening in the vineyard at that time. But now seven years after, we can see they were not the best clusters.


Getting advice from neighbor grape growers, my husband put his heart and soul in the vineyard. This was the beginning of Kula Vineyards. 



The winery that became our client said that he would like to purchase all grapes from us. We didn't want to disappoint the owner. So we tried to do everything we could think of at that time.


He is our beloved Kahlua. He was almost 11 years old when I took this photo in the later summer of 2015. But he ran with the tractor, barked at deer and birds to protect our vineyard. He took his last breath peaceful in the morning of Thanksgiving day in 2018, surrounded by everyone he loved.


Have a lovely day!

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ


Breaking news! A Gold Medal 〜速報!ゴールドメダルです〜


We are happy to announce that we received a Gold Medal on our Golden Blend 2021 from OC Fair Commercial Wine Competition! The score was 92 points. This wine is Rhône Style Blend of Grenache Blanc, Roussane, Picpoul Blanc and Viognier. 

うれしいニュースです。OC Fair Commercial Wine Competitionから私たちのGolden Blend 2021に、ゴールドメダルを頂きました!スコアは、92点でした。このワインは、グルナッシュブラン、ルーサンヌ、ピックプールブランのローヌスタイルのブレンドです。

This label was created with a special pencil design to dedicate to Ehime who was contributing herself as a winery dog since we moved to Paso Robles Wine Country eight years ago. As a Gold(en) Retriever, she is working for us even from the Rainbow Bridge and brought us a Gold Medal. 


We love you so much, Ehime.


Have a Golden day!

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ


Spring in Wine Country 〜ワインカントリーの春〜

As a new grape grower, we always watched what our neighbor grape growers do. And we figured out it was the time to weed! 


My husband didn't have any experience using a big tractor for farming before, so everything was new and exciting. Thanks to our wonderful neighbor who always helps us, we were able to do and learn so many things in the vineyard.


By getting some advice, we hired a couple people from time to time. This was the time when we asked them for shoot-thinning. By doing canopy-management, vines can concentrate to grow healthy fruit.


After finishing flowering, they pollinate themselves and become baby grapes. Just thinking that these grapes we grow become wine in the future, it was so exciting.


Sunset in Wine Country is very beautiful. We've been taking many photos of it since the first sunset photo taken, but we still do now.


The wonderful encounter in this neighborhood was meeting with Happy, the Jersey cow. She became our first & best friend in cow since we moved this Wine Country. We ended up buying her, and she raised three amazing calves in her life. 


She had a stomach problem a few weeks ago. We called the vet and he provided some treatment. She seemed better at that time, and we were hoping she would recover. Unfortunately it didn't happen. Happy closed her life two days ago. She was nine years old.


Have a fabulous day! 

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ


Starting as a grape grower 〜ぶどう栽培者として始める〜


A vineyard manager whom we hired didn't do the job as much as we expected, so we had to let him go. Then, what? We were absolutely new grape growers who had no connection in this Wine Country. We were really in trouble... 

私たちが雇ったぶどう園のマネージャーは、私たちが期待していたほどの仕事をしてはくれなかったので、辞めて頂くことになりました。それで、どうなったかって? 私たちは、このワインカントリーでは何のコネクションもない、全くの新人ぶどう栽培者でした。本当に困りました‥‥

The first person who helped us was our neighbor who has over 40 years of farming experience. He has a great vineyard right next to us. We don't even have a fence between us. That spring, he brought his equipment and tractor to spread cow compost in the vineyard.


How could we take care of our vineyard without his help? We learned the most important thing during the first year living in the country. If you see anyone who is having a problem, don't hesitate to offer your help! Country life style is so much different from the one in the city. You can't buy the help at the store. If you are willing to help others, they will definitely help you whenever you need a hand.

その方の助けなしに、私たちはどうやってぶどう園を切り盛りすることができたでしょう? 田舎暮らしの最初の年に、私たちは一番大切なことを学びました。もし問題を抱えている人を見かけたら、躊躇なく助けを申し出ましょう! 田舎暮らしは、街中のそれとは全く違います。助けはお店で買うことができません。他人を喜んで助ける人には、手が必要な時に必ず助けてくれる人がいます。

We often see the beautiful scenery in the country that we've never seen in the city. Rainbow always catches our heart, because we used to live in Hawaii.


When we first saw the bud-break in our vineyard, we were very excited. The new season with us came to the vineyard! What kind of journey was waiting for us?


Our hens started to lay their first eggs in the spring. Gosh! This is exactly what we were dreaming in the country-living. We were just happy with the new experience.

にわとりたちが、春に初めての卵を産み始めました。すごいです! これはまさに、私たちが田舎暮らしで夢見ていたことです。私たちはただ、新しい経験に幸せを感じていました。

The house renovation was done. We felt like we really started the new vineyard life here.


Have a fantastic day!

  にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ

にほんブログ村 酒ブログへ

  にほんブログ村 酒ブログ お酒造りへ


New life in this Wine Country 〜このワインカントリーでの新しい暮らし〜


Right after we completely moved to this Wine Country, my husband started to work in our vineyard. He held a hoe up and removed the stubborn weeds here and there.


About the same time, we built the chicken coop and welcomed four young Buff Orpington pullets. We named them Fes, Tive, Holi and Day. 😁


We were brand new grape growers! We hired a vineyard manager and asked him to train us. This photo was taken when the vineyard manager was teaching us how to prune the vines. 


At that time, we thought everything was going well since we have someone professional on our side. We'd never expected any nightmares coming to us.


Our house renovation had started, too. It took two months to get everything done. We didn't have any family members or friends in this Wine Country. I felt like I was pushed to the corner with dogs during the house renovation, and I started to feel very lonely. Everyone in the neighborhood owns about 15-25 acres of the property, and that is 1.5-2 times bigger than Tokyo Dome. It wasn't very easy for us to meet neighbors.


But somehow, we started to get to know neighbors and we started to get used to country-living little by little. Our chickens were growing well, and started to walk a longer distance. But we learned we shouldn't let them walk in the vineyard, because it's hard to get them out from the vineyard put them back to the coop afterwards!


Have a wonderful day!

Harvesting three years ago 〜3年前の収穫〜

  September, 2020 has started. 2020年の9月が始まりました。 We were taking some samples from our vineyard, and checking the numbers to see when to harve...