
Planting Cabernet Sauvignon in the estate vineyard 〜自社畑にカベルネ・ソーヴィニヨンを植える〜

These two are Kahlua & Kona who used to live with us. Aren't they cute?😄 They are both on our wine label.

このふたりは、我が家に住んでいたカルアとコナです。かわいいでしょう?😄 ふたりとも、うちのワインラベルになっています。

They are Kona & Ehime. They are the first dogs who started to work at the tasting room in 2019.


Now, let's begin today's story. 


In 2017, we decided to clean up a hillside of our vineyard, put the trellis and irrigation system in, and planted Cabernet Sauvignon vines. The crew worked hard to the dinner time. So we prepared dinner and dessert for them, and served them from time to time.


Our very first pouring for wine-tasters was at the local event. This was the donation event for the local zoo, and there were so many people who came to our table. We were a little overwhelmed at the beginning, but started to get used to the speed little by little. By the way, my eyes were a little swollen from my food allergy at that time. 


The season of summer! Grapes were growing bigger in the vineyard. When they turn purple, they get sweeter and sweeter every day.

夏です! ぶどう畑では、ぶどうがどんどん大きくなり始めていました。紫色になると、毎日どんどん甘くなります。

Again, we are not the only one who is excited about the grapes. We saw these two deer at the dirt road that is the way to our vineyard. Animals are very good at finding where the good foods are. If Kahlua was still with us, he would bark and chase after them even now.


In the process of aging wine, we taste the wine from time to time. We usually age our red wine more than 20 months in the barrels. This is Estate Syrah 2016. It's very interesting to know how the wine changes over the time. 


After setting up the hillside of the vineyard, we ordered and received the vines of Cabernet Sauvignon. There were so many! The truck guy asked me "Do you have any guy in the house?" and I said "No." 


It looks like he thought these vines were too heavy for me to move out from the truck with him. But did you know? I used to walk with three large dogs at the same time and carry the hay to feed Jersey cows every day.

私にはこのぶどうの木が重すぎて、一緒にトラックから運び出すことはできないと思われたようです。でも知ってます? 私は毎日、大型犬3頭を同時にお散歩したり、ジャージー牛たちのところまで干草を運んだりしてたんですよ。

See? The vines were heavy for sure. But I was able to do what I needed to do. 

ほらね? 確かにぶどうの木は重かったけれど、必要なことをすることはできました。 

Have a wonderful day!

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ


The wine is romantic. 〜ワインはロマンチック〜


Once we bottle our brand wine, we were so looking forward to shipping them to people who believe in us! Our first club shipment was very exciting. We packed the wines very carefully including our hand-written message. And we are still continuing that even now.


We also got excited with making the wine pairing food. One of the recipes that we created was Salmon Zucchini Lasagna. This takes a little more time to make, but it turned out to be very delicious!

私たちは、ワインペアリングフードを作ることにもワクワクしました。 私たちが創作したレシピのひとつは、サーモンズッキーニラザニアでした。作るのに少々時間がかかりましたが、とてもおいしく仕上がりました!

For good or bad, we don't have a lot of time to make this kind of dish these days. But someday, we should make it again. What's your favorite food to pair with dry white or dry rosé?


This is white wine jelly. Don't you think wine is so interesting? If you drink as is, it's delicious. You can create the recipe of the food to pair with your favorite wine. And also, you can actually use the wine to make the dish. How romantic the wine is.

これは、白ワインのゼリーです。ワインって、とてもおもしろいと思いませんか? そのまま飲めばおいしい。お気に入りのワインとのペアリングフードのレシピを作ることもできる。そしてさらに、ワインをお料理にも使える。ワインって、ロマンチックですよね。

We got to know the editor who writes the article for the web / printed magazine. She asked us if she can interview about the reasons every winery needs a dog. Of course, we said yes! This was the photo they used. And here is the article page.


Kula Vineyards started another growing season. It was our third year as a grape grower.


Have a fantastic day!

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ


Our first wines were bottled! 〜初めてのワインがボトリングされた!〜


At the bottom of the hill, young vines of Petite Sirah are planted. Some baby vines don't survive during the winter, so we replant them in spring. 


Growing season provides us a lot of energy. Sirah vines were about 16 years old at that time. 


April 28th in 2017, we bottled our very first wines in Paso Robles. They were Grenache Blanc 2016 and Estate Syrah Rosé 2016. Getting ready for screw tops, glasses and labels were fun. And when we saw our wines were really bottled in front of us, it was very very exciting!

2017年4月28日、私たちの本当に初めてのワインが、パソロブレスでボトリングされました。  グルナッシュブラン2016年とエステイト・シラーロゼ2016年でした。スクリュートップ、ボトル、そしてラベルを用意するのは楽しかったです。そして、ワインが自分たちの目の前でボトリングされていく様子を見るのは、本当にとてもワクワクしました!

Cases that has wine bottles in went to the temperature controlled storage room.


Look how proud we are. Did you know? Kula Vineyards & Winery has started from only two varietal wines! 😄


Anna Takahashi is the artist who created our wine label. She used to live in the same country town we are living before she got married. She said she finished this art with just dots. At Central Coast Wine Competition in 2022, this art received a Gold Medal as "A Symbol of Central Coast".  


We were very excited with our first wines. We took Grenache Blanc 2016 to the event that one of the local grape-growers organization held and entered in the blind tasting competition. Guess what. This wine won the first prize in the category of white wine! 


Not only that. This wine received a Gold Medal from Central Coast Wine Competition as well! Since our first wine did an amazing job, even though we had only two wines to start with, we decided to bring to the local events for sale with our pride.

それだけではありません。このワイン、セントラルコーストワインコンペティションでも金賞を受賞しました! 初めてのワインが素晴らしい仕事をしてくれたので、私たちはたった二種のワインで始めることになりましたが、プライドを持って地元のイベントに持っていき、販売することを決心しました。

Have a happy day!

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ


Getting a permit and making a wine label 〜認可を得ること、そしてワインラベル創作〜


In 2016, we started the procedure for a permit to become a winery. A sign was put up at the place where we make wine until we get a permit.


In December, 2016, our Jersey cow, Happy gave birth. It was a boy with long legs! We named him Serene wishing him to become a gentle cow. We did our best to dry Serene with the towel, and gave him a good massage to warm him up. It was one of the coldest days in that winter.

2016年12月、我が家のジャージー牛、ハッピーが赤ちゃんを産みました。足の長い男の子でした! 落ち着いた優しい牛になるように、セリーンと名付けました。私たちはタオルでセリーンの体を乾かして温めようと、マッサージをすることに全力を尽くしました。その年の冬の中でも、最も寒い日の1日でしたから。

We usually expect a baby cow to stand up soon, but Serene didn't. We wanted Serene to drink Happy's milk as soon as possible otherwise he might have a chance to die under the freezing cold weather. To made matters worse, I was suffering from the flu and I was not able to continue being there. If our neighbor friend was not there with Serene, he may not be here with us today.


Thanks to our neighbor friend, Serene stood up and started to drink milk from Happy. Serene has grown up now to be a very handsome and gentle cow as his name says. 


At the end of that year, my mother-in-law visited us from Texas. She was very excited seeing us becoming a winery, and making our own brand. 


We asked a local artist to create Kula's wine label. She is a Japanese artist. We met at the local farmers market in the previous year, and became friends since then. Our dogs are our babies. We asked her to include them with our vineyard house on the label.


These three were the dogs who were living with us at that time. Kahlua, Kona and Ehime from the left. They were goofy, fun, kind and sweet. We miss them so much.


I don't know much about art, but our artist put a lot of effort into our label. This is almost there.


One of our first wines was Grenache Blanc 2016. We tasted from the barrel from time to time.And we really loved this wine! I'm sure we are going to talk about this in the future, but this wine received a Gold Medal from one of the large wine competitions in California, Central Coast Wine Competition in 2017.

私たちの最初のワインのひとつは、グルナッシュブラン2016年でした。ときどき樽からテイスティングしました。そして、本当にこのワインが好きだと思いました! このワインについてはまたお話しすると思いますが、カリフォルニア州の大きなワインコンペティションの一つ、セントラルコーストワインコンペティション2017年からゴールドメダルを受賞しました。

In the vineyard, another season started. 


Before bottling wines, we got them in the testing bottle. We also put our labels on to see what they look like. This was very exciting!


Have a fabulous day!

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ


Exciting harvesting as a winery 〜ワイナリーとしてワクワクする収穫〜


Early morning of September 27th in 2016, we started to harvest Syrah grapes at Kula Vineyards. As you can see, grapes were hand-harvested to leave the damaged grapes on the vines.


As we mentioned in the previous blog, we decided to become a winery! So my husband painted our winery name on the bin. We call it 'bin' but it's a big container that we transfer grapes to the facility.


Look how happy my husband is! These beautiful Syrah grapes were grown in our estate vineyard, and will become estate wine after this. 

見てください、主人の嬉しそうな顔! これらの美しいシラーのぶどうたちは自社のぶどう園で育ち、このあとエステートワインになります。

For your information, our Estate Reserve Syrah 2016 was aged in the barrels for three years. It has wonderful smoky aroma and peppery tasting note that you can be craving for.


We are not only hand-harvesting, but also hand-sorting after that. During this process, we get rid of everything you don't want to see in wine, such as stems, leaves, damaged grapes, immature grapes and bugs. It's a lot of work and we spend so much labor for these. But when you taste the wine at the end, you'll really appreciate this process.


We also purchased grapes from the neighbor vineyard. These grapes are Grenache Blanc. Have you tasted the white wine of Grenache Blanc before? It has a beautiful green apple and Asian pear taste. 


Grenache Blanc 2016 that we first released as a winery received a Gold Medal from the large wine competition in California, and it has been the very successful varietal for us since then.


We also purchased and harvested Zinfandel grapes from other neighbor vineyard. Zinfandel has a fruit-forward aroma and delicious flavors of blackberry and plum. This particular vintage of Zinfandel made the beautiful wine with the dark color. We earned many club members thanks to this wine.


We also made Rosé with Estate Syrah grapes. This wine had the clear red color. It became popular even for beer drinkers.


A harvest season for people in this wine industry is very, very, very challenging physically and mentally. When it's over, we are finally able to have time to go to the hair salon to clean up. 


The season of fall is also a tarantula season. They are not harmful if you don't try to attack them. Although, I don't want our Golden Retriever puppy, Sachi to be close to them. She may want to become a friend of a tarantula, but he/she will hate her action.


Have an exciting day!

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ

Harvesting three years ago 〜3年前の収穫〜

  September, 2020 has started. 2020年の9月が始まりました。 We were taking some samples from our vineyard, and checking the numbers to see when to harve...