
Winery animals, and providing wine-tastings 〜ワイナリーアニマル、そしてワインテイスティングのご提供〜


In the fall of 2017, we got some juice out from Syrah grapes in the process of crushing grapes, and made Syrah syrup. It was very delicious!


We had a little more time back then, so we did fun doing pumpkin curving at the end of October. We did a good job, right?


There was a very special thing happened to us in December. A 4-month-old horse, Hana became our family member! Look. Hana was even smaller than I was at one time. As you know, she became our wine label in 2020, and gave birth with a colt in 2022. 

12月には、とても特別なことがありました。生まれて4ヶ月の子馬、ハナが私たちの家族になりました! 見てください。ハナ、私より小さいこともあったんですよ。ご存知の通り、ハナは2020年にはワインラベルになり、2022年には男の子馬を産みました。

Speaking of wine label, our very first wine label with these dogs received a Gold medal from Central Coast Wine Competition as a Symbol of the Central Coast this year. 


It's funny if we think now, but we didn't know what we received a Gold medal on when they announced "Congratulations, Kula Vineyards & Winery!" on their social media. We called the office and asked "What did we win?" It was a little embarrassing...


We get very chilly from time to time during the winter. It's actually beautiful to see frost in the vineyard.


In January of 2018, we started to taste our wines in the barrels. 


At that time, we didn't have a tasting room. So we were pouring at the local hotels mostly. This is how we pick up the wine cases for tasting at the facility from time to time.


One time, we had a chance to distribute our wines to Las Vegas thanks to the connection with our friend from there. 


A restaurant in one local hotel decided to carry our wines to pair with their delicious food. This was useful to get our name out to the locals.


The temperature goes under 32F from time to time. Even just looking at the photo, you can tell how cold it was, right?


We are providing wine-tasting at the different hotels almost every week. I believe it was the time we learned how to talk with people when we pour the wine. 


Have an amazing day!

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ


Syrah, Viognier, Zinfandel and Cabernet Sauvignon 〜シラー、ヴィオニエ、ジンファンデル、そしてカベルネソーヴィニヨン〜

At the end of August in 2017, Syrah grapes were getting sweeter. If I remember correctly, we were having a hard time dealing with the weather that year. Well, I guess the year of 2022 is not much different. We just had some rain one week after the temperature of 117F. What a challenging harvest season this year is.


These are grapes of Viognier. Viognier is the popular wine even for red wine drinkers. It's a very aromatic wine of peach, apricot and melon. High in sugar, low in acidity. 


Just looking from the distance, you can tell this harvesting team is picking grapes very well. I'm sure we are going to talk about this in the future, but our Viognier 2017 received 91 points from Wine Enthusiast. 


Harvest season is not just harvesting. The wine-making process starts right after harvesting grapes. This is the busiest season for the winery. Look. Even though the sun went down, the wine-making team is working hard.


My husband often went out to Syrah to check Brix. In the photo below, he is checking the color of the seeds. It looks like he saw green rather than brown. That means the grapes are not ripe enough yet.


Cabernet Sauvignon vines became my husband's babies. He checked each vines and saw how they were doing very often. In this photo, he is probably tying the branches with the tape.


Early October, we harvested Zinfandel grapes from the neighbor's vineyard. 


Look how big each piece of grapes is! This is the character of Zinfandel. 

見てくださん、この大きな粒のぶどう! これは、ジンファンデルの特徴です。

Have we talked about hand-sorting before? We are not just hand-harvesting, but we also do hand-sorting grapes. From this process, we get rid of all damaged grapes and any other things that we don't want to include in the wine. 

手での選別作業について、お話ししたことがあったでしょうか? 私たちは手で収穫するだけでなく、ぶどうを手で選別する作業も行います。この作業で、ダメージのあるぶどうや、その他ワインに入れたくないものを取り除きます。

After being de-stemmed, berries go in the big container.


Have a wonderful day!


にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ


Grapes & Wine pairing food 〜ぶどう&ワインペアリングフード〜

In June, 2017, the Syrah grapes were getting big. 


The grapes start to change their own colors at the end July, and it's called veraison. It means grape berries are switching the stage from growing to ripening. 



At California Mid State Fair, they used to exhibit the award-winning wines from Central Coast Wine Competition. Yes! our Grenache Blanc 2016 was proudly standing with the Gold Medal there. This was our first Gold Medal winning. 

カリフォルニア・ミッド・ステイトフェアでは、以前セントラルコースト・ワインコンペティションの受賞ワインを展示していました。そうです! 私たちのグルナッシュブラン2016年は、金メダルを付けてそこに誇らしげに立っていました。これは、私たちの初めての金メダルでした。

Cabernet Sauvignon vines were planted on the hillside of our vineyard. It's interesting seeing how tiny they were, because they are so mature now in 2022.


In August, a baking competition was held at the local grape growers organization. I was brave enough then to enter my Dark Chocolate Cake with Espresso Coffee Beans. I made the sponge from the scratch and changed the recipe in the way to pair well with wine. 


As a result, I received the second place! I still remember there was a man who walked to me and said "Your chocolate cake was delicious and paired with the red wine very well. This is all that mattered for me to vote for you." His words meant a lot to me.

結果は、2位でした! 今でも覚えていることがあります。男性が一人私のところに歩いてきて、こう言ったんです。「あなたのチョコレートケーキはおいしくて、赤ワインととてもよく合いましたよ。それが一番大切なポイントだと思い、ぼくはあなたに投票しました。」この言葉は、私にとっては大きな意味を持ちました。

Since I got a compliment, I started to make more wine-pairing food at home. I'm very simple.


After veraison, the sugar level of the grapes goes up day by day. Look how beautiful they were!


And around the same time, we started to get ready for the next bottling. When the corks with the logo arrived for the first time, we were very excited.


Have a fantastic day!

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ

にほんブログ村 酒ブログへ

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ お酒造りへ

Harvesting three years ago 〜3年前の収穫〜

  September, 2020 has started. 2020年の9月が始まりました。 We were taking some samples from our vineyard, and checking the numbers to see when to harve...