
Good times and bad times 〜楽しい時も苦しい時も〜

At the beginning of February, 2020, it was still very cold, but we were happy. Because our tasting room reopened at the end of January, and people started to come back. 


We started to hold various events in the tasting room. These are the events that we were planning to do for the new year. This photo was taken when we had a candle making class. It was so much fun! We were planning Wine Maker's Dinner, Dessert Weekend, and more. We thought we can finally provide the things that people are interested.


It was fun when we received the interview from the local magazine. By answering questions, we were getting more clear what we want to do in this tasting room, and how we want to grow as a winery. But right after this, we faced the very difficult time.


We went in the Covid pandemic in March, 2020. All wineries, breweries and bars in California had to stay closed. My husband said that we still should try to keep paying to the building owner every month, but I wasn't sure how to pay without opening the tasting room. 


We did everything we could think of. Announcing that online-purchase is available, we can ship to 38 different states, and curbside-pickup without exchanging cash is available. We started to work with the local chefs and planned $49 dinner for two with a bottle of wine. This was the beginning of the current Dinner Special for two with wine.


We had a lot of time. My husband worked in the office at home, and I spent a lot of time with animals outside. This is Happy, the Jersey cow. Happy and I used to communicate without words until she passed away in 2022.


We spent some time on wines in the barrels as well. Not being able to open the tasting room doesn't mean that we cannot make wine. We did the things that we could do one by one with care.


The vines in the vineyard were growing well, and our winery dogs, Ehime & Makana enjoyed walking with us in the vineyard. It was just unfortunate for Makana not being able to socialize when he was was a puppy. 


In June, we were finally allowed to open the tasting room! One of people who visited our tasting room on that first day joined the club. She had to quit our club later on because of her health issue, but we still talk on the social media and she is still very supportive. 

6月になり、ようやくテイスティングルームをオープンできることが許されました! その最初の日にテイスティングルームを訪れてくれた方々のお一人が、クラブメンバーさんになって下さいました。後に体の調子のことでクラブを去ることになりましたが、私たちは今でもソーシャルメディアで話し、その方はいまだにとっても応援して下さいます。

Coming from Hawaii, we always treasure the connection with people. But this challenging time made us think more how precious our connection with people is. We never ever forget how much support we received from people in 2020.


Have a wonderful day!


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  にほんブログ村 酒ブログへ

  にほんブログ村 酒ブログ お酒造りへ

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