
A big decision has been made. 〜大きな決心〜


At the end of July, 2016, the color of Syrah grapes started to change. It's called "veraison". It's a transaction from growing berries to ripening. 


Once they changed the color, berries get sweeter and sweeter every day. Did you know that wine grapes get much sweeter than table grapes at harvest? 


Grape growers are often interested in growing some other fruits and vegetables. We were the same. One of the fruits we challenged that year was watermelons. This water melon on the photo was the best, juiciest and sweetest watermelon we've ever tasted. Ehime, our winery dog already knew that, I guess?


At the beginning of September, we helped our neighbor grape grower's bottling. As an amateur wine maker, he did a great job getting ready wine bottles & corks, cleaning the machines, filtering wine before bottling. A bottling day is a bottling party day. Many people helped this country guy, and had a delicious meal together. Everything was learning for us.


Latter September, our client for grapes came to pick some samples. He walked around the vineyard and picked grapes from some different places. This is what wine makers do before harvesting. They need to know the numbers of Brix, pH, TA to make their ideal wine. 


At the vineyard next to us they started to harvest. We hear that the machine harvesters recently are improved and got better. But as a grape-grape grower, we absolutely see great benefits from hand-harvesting. 


Look how beautiful these grapes are! I sometimes saw many leaves and damaged grapes in the bins from my experience of having seven harvest seasons at the different places in this wine country, but these look really stunning. 


Can you guess what my husband is doing in this photo? He is getting ready to spray our brand name on the grape bins. Why? Yes! We decided to become a winey, so we are getting ready to harvest grapes to make our own wines!

この写真、主人が何をしているかわかるでしょうか。ぶどうのコンテイナーに、私たちのブランド名をスプレーする準備をしているところです。なぜかって? そうなんです! 私たちは、ワイナリーになることを決めたんです。それで、自身のワインを醸造するのにぶどうを収穫する準備ををしているところなんです。

Have an exciting day!

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ


Winery dog, a snake and working in the vineyard 〜ワイナリードッグ、ヘビ、そしてぶどう園での仕事〜


April in 2016, our sweet Kona turned seven years old. He was born in Hawaii, and moved to the mainland with us when he was still one year old. 


Kona loved everyone in the world. When he saw someone alone in the room, he always went to the person and sat down by him / her. He was strong enough to protect a young toddler from falling in the swimming pool, and gentle enough to sit quietly by the senior people. 


When he passed away in 2019, my heart got broken in pieces. I was in the shell for a few days, and no words from anyone came into me. My husband & I still love Kona very much. 


In the vineyard, the grapes were getting ready to bloom. These Syrah grapes were very memorable for us, because we spent a lot of time and effort to keep the vines healthy.


In addition to taking care of Syrah grapes, we planted Petite Sirah at the bottom of the hill. Do you see a little plant that I'm holding in my left hand? 


Farming is not always fun. There are some things you need to deal with. One thing I really don't want to see is snakes. By living in the country, we learned there are good snakes and bad snakes. This one in the photo is a good one. 


Good snakes eat gophers and ground squirrels like the ones you don't want to have in the vineyard, and bad snakes have poison like rattlesnakes. When you walk with dogs near the bush in summer, you need to be careful. They don't do much if you are not threatening them. But if you get too close to them (even though that happens accidentally), they don't hesitate to fight back.


There are some fun events in the Wine Country. This is corn salsa that I made and I entered the salsa contest with it. Amazingly, this corn salsa received the first place! 


During the summer time, you see the grapes getting bigger, and that's the time we get very excited. These Syrah were planted before we purchased this vineyard, so the vines were pretty mature already. 


We sometimes get irrigation problems at the vineyard, because the small mammals like bunnies chew the tube to drink the water. Every time the water splashed out in the vineyard, my husband ran and fixed it.


The beautiful moon started to be up in the sky. This is in July, 2016.


Have a wonderful day!

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ


During the off-season 〜オフシーズンの間に〜


In 2015, we were grape growers, not a winery. But after harvesting, we were very curious to know how the grapes are processed to make wine. 


We visited the winery who purchased our grapes. We had a chance to see big machines for de-stemming, crushing grapes and a person who was punching down. Everything we saw was very interesting and exciting. Thinking now, this could be the first time when my husband started to say "I want to be a winery."


All grape growers in Wine Country are very busy during the harvesting season. One of our neighbor grape growers is also an amateur wine-maker. My husband and I went to help him whenever he needed a hand.


Happy's first baby was named Joy. As the name says, he was growing very joyfully.


The new year, 2016 had started. A grapevine growth cycle ends in late winter to early spring. Dormancy helps the vines to tolerate cold winter temperatures, and it gives the energy the grapevines need for flowering and vegetative growth in springtime.


During the off-season from the vineyard, we spend more time to provide the quality life to our animals. In this photo below, we built the chick run for the chicks we were raising at that time. They were too small to live in the coop with other hens, but we wanted to give them some play time outside. Making everything from scratch was hard, but fun.


Springtime! My husband got on the tractor and cut the grass in the vineyard. Now in 2022, the problem regarding drought in California is getting more serious. So it's nice to see the green grass there. 

春です! 主人はトラクターに乗り、ぶどう園の草刈りをしました。2022年の今、カリフォルニア州の干ばつ問題はさらに深刻化しているので、そこに緑の草が生えているのを見るといいなあと思います。

Early April in 2016, my husband and I shoveled out stubborn weeds one by one in the vineyard. Taking care of vines in 10 acres of the vineyard with just the two of us was very time-consuming. When we were able to manage the things, it became our confidence. But at the same time, we got tired physically and mentally.


Have a fantastic day!

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ

Harvesting three years ago 〜3年前の収穫〜

  September, 2020 has started. 2020年の9月が始まりました。 We were taking some samples from our vineyard, and checking the numbers to see when to harve...