
Hand-harvesting grapes and award-winning wines 〜手収穫のぶどうと受賞ワイン〜


In the spring of 2018, Hana was almost one year old. We started to teach her how to jump the bar. Who is this exercise for? Well... I guess for both horses and humans.

2018年、春。ハナは、1歳になろうとしていました。私たちはハナに、バーのジャンプの仕方を教え始めました。誰用のエクササイズかって? まあ‥‥ 馬と人間の両方です。

Using the milk from our Jersey cow, Happy, we made butter, ice cream, milk caramel and so many different things. This is Gouda cheese.


We bottled Grenache Blanc, Viognier, Picpoul Blanc and Syrah rosé that spring. A few months after this bottling day, we found out that Grenache Blanc and Picpoul Blanc Received a Gold medal. And in fall, we found out Viognier received 91 points from Wine Enthusiast. What a fantastic year it was!


Grapes in the vineyard were growing well. 


These grapes were almost finishing changing the color. Do you remember what it's called? It's called "Veraison".

これらのぶどうは、ほぼ色変わりをおえるところです。こういうのを何と呼ぶか、覚えておられるでしょうか。 ”ヴェレゾン”といいます。

Cabernet Sauvignon vines that we planted on the hillside in the vineyard were doing well. My husband treated them like his babies. He was always out to the vineyard to see if they need any help.


Walking with our three winery dogs was one of my morning routines. Look how happy they look. Kahlua, the Sheltie was almost reaching 14 years old, and he was still walking with two Golden Retrievers on the hills every day.


In fall, Petite Sirah grapes were harvested for the very first time at our vineyard. How gorgeous! Each cluster was big and packed with berries. 

秋、私たちのぶどう園で、初めてプティシラーのぶどうが収穫されました。なんてゴージャス! 房ひとつひとつが大きくて、ぶどうの実が詰まっていました。

Syrah grapes were harvested on October 23 that year. It was kind of the late side looking how yellow the leaves were. As you probably know by now, we harvest all grapes by hand, not by machine.


If you know Kula's wines, you know all about Syrah grapes. This became our last harvest of Syrah grapes, since we pulled all vines off from the ground and replanted with Cabernet Franc after this. And Syrah wine that was made of these grapes received a Gold medal from Central Coast Wine Competition two years later.


Soon after the last harvest, Halloween Day came. Kahlua the Sheltie was getting weaker day by day. 


Have a sweet day!

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ


Wine tasting & our new baby cow, Sunny 〜ワインテイスティング&新しい牛の赤ちゃん、サニー〜


In 2018, we've been still pouring at the locals every week.


To celebrate Paso Robles Zinfandel Festival, we brought some Zinfandel from the barrel to the hotels for tasting. Have you done barrel-tasting before?


In March, Happy's third baby, Sunny was born! It was a girl. She was born on one sunny day during the rainy season, so she was named Sunny.

3月、ハッピーの三番目の子、サニーが生まれました! 雨のシーズンの合間のある晴れの日に生まれたので、サニーと名付けられました。

Happy was having sensitive teats for a little while, so Sunny couldn't drink milk from her mommy very well. I milked Happy every day, put some in the milk bottle and made Sunny drink. When I had to go pour wine, one of our neighbors helped and did the same for us.


In spring, we saw bud-break in the vineyard.


Especially when it's a little warm, chilled Grenache Blanc 2016 tasted amazing! 


Before bottling the new wines, we tasted our wines with our wine-maker assistant. 


We were pretty brave establishing Kula Vineyards & Winery with only two different wines in 2016. In the spring of 2017, look! We had three different white wines just for white wines. As a small winery, this was exciting.

2016年に、たった2種類のワインだけでクラヴィンヤーズ&ワイナリーを設立したのは、かなり勇気が必要なことでした。2017年の春、見てください! 白ワインだけでも、3種類あります。小さなワイナリーにとっては、これはワクワクでした。

After pouring at the local hotels about two years, one big hotel decided to carry our Grenache Blanc 2016. We still remember about this clearly. It felt wonderful!


My husband is not a full-time vineyard worker. So I cleaned the vines of Petite Sirah by myself that year. Two rows every day, before I go milk Happy and feed Sunny. This was physically hard.


Sunny was growing up healthy. Kona, one of our winery dogs we had at that time, was the dog who loved everyone in the world. He enjoyed getting kisses from Sunny on a morning walk.


Do you know we make the description on the labels ourselves? This is a little love letter to you. It describes how we harvested grapes, what the wine tastes like, what food to be suggested to pair with the wine and more. This is the first message from us that you receive before you get to know the wine.

ワインラベルの叙述は私たち自身で書いていること、ご存知でしょうか。 これは、皆様へのちょっとしたラブレターです。どんなふうにぶどうを収穫したか、ワインはどんな味なのか、どんなお料理とのペアリングをご提案したいか、などを記述しています。これは、皆様がワインを知る前に受け取る、私たちからの最初のメッセージです。

Have a fabulous day!

にほんブログ村 酒ブログ ワインへ

Harvesting three years ago 〜3年前の収穫〜

  September, 2020 has started. 2020年の9月が始まりました。 We were taking some samples from our vineyard, and checking the numbers to see when to harve...